Links to scientific studies on grounding
Clinical grounding thermographic in 20 case studies
Publication: Case studies for medical thermography. Clinical grounding application in 20 case studies
Researcher: William Amalu , DC, DABCT, FIACT
Earthing : The human body influences physiological processes
Publication:Grounding The human body influences physiological processes
Published in :The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Volume 17, Number 4, 2011, pp. 301–308
Author(s): Karol Sokal , Pawel Sokal
Chronic illness: are we missing something?
Published in :The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Volume 17, Number 4, 2011, pp. 283–285
Author:James L. Oskman , PhD
Grounding the human body to neutralize bioelectrical stress from static electricity and EMFs
Published in:ESD Journal
Writer:A . Clint Ober
Date: January 2000
The effects of grounding on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
Published in :Journal of Inflammation Research
Author(s):Richard Brown, Gaétan Chevalier , Michael Hill
Grounding: The human body reduces blood viscosity, an important factor in cardiovascular disease
Published in :The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine , Vol. 19, No. 2, 2013, pp. 102–110
Author(s): Gaetan Chevalier , Stephen T. Sinatra , James L. Oskman , Richard M. Delany
Date: 2013
Grounding: The human organism influences bioelectrical processes
Published in:The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine , Volume 18, Number 3, 2012, pp. 229–234
Author(s): Karol Sokal , Pawel Sokal
The effect of grounding on human physiology (1) & (2), electrodermal measurements
Published in:(1) European biology and bio - electromagnetics 2006, 600–621
Published in: (2) Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine , Vol. 18, no. 3, page 11
Author(s):Gaétan Chevalier , Kazuhito Mori , James L. Oskman
Date:31-01-2006 / 2007
Electrical grounding improves vagal tone in premature infants
Publication: Neonatology, 2017
Author(s): Rohit Passi , Kim K. Doheny , Yuri Gordin , Hans Hinssen , Charles Palmer
Date: February 27, 2017
Grounding after moderate eccentric contractions reduces muscle damage
Published in:Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine
By:Richard Brown, Gaétan Chevalier , Michael Hill
Date: 21-09-2015
The effects of grounding on body pain and overall quality of life: a randomized controlled trial
Publication :Scientific research, Health, Vol. 10, number 2
Authors: Geatan Chevalier , Sheila Patel , Deepak Chopra, Brook Henry, Chris Pruitt , Lizabeth Weiss , Paul J. Mills
Date: February 2018
Grounding the human body during yoga practice with a grounded yoga mat reduces blood viscosity
Published in:Open Journal of Preventive Medicine , 2015, 5, 159-168
Author(s):Richard Brown, Gaétan Chevalier
Date: 04-2015
Differences in blood urea and creatinine concentrations in grounded and excavated subjects during cycling exercise and recovery
Published in: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine , Vol. 2013, art. ID 382643
Author(s): Pawel Sokal , Zbigniew Jastrzwbski , Ewelina Jaskulska , Karol Sokal , Maria Jastrzwbska , Aukasz Radziminski , Robert Dargiewicz , Piotr Zielinski
Pilot study on the effect of grounding on delayed onset muscle soreness
Published in:The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine , Volume 16, Number 3, 2010, pp. 265–273
Author(s):Dick Brown, Gaetan Chevalier , Michael Hill
Changes in pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygenation, perfusion index, skin conductivity, and their variability caused during and after grounding
Published in:The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Volume 16, Number 1, 2010, pp. 1–7
Author(s):Gaetan Chevalier
Grounding the human body improves facial blood flow regulation: results from a randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study
Published in:Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications, 2014, 4, 293-308
Author(s):Gaétan Chevalier
Grounding: Health implications of reconnecting the human body to the Earth's surface electrons
Publication:Journal of Environmental and Public Health Volume 2012, Article ID 291541
Researcher:Gaetan Chevalier , Stephen T. Sinatra , James L. Oskman , Karol Sokal , Pawel Sokal
Date: 4-10-2011
Grounding the human body to earth reduces chronic inflammation and related chronic pain
Published in: ESD Journal
Writer:A . Clint Ober
The biological effects of grounding the human body during sleep as measured by cortisol levels and subjective reporting of sleep, pain and stress
Published in:The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine , Volume 10, Number 5, 2004, pp. 767–776
Author(s):Maurice Ghaly and Dale Teplitz
Effectiveness of grounded sleeping on recovery after intensive eccentric muscle loading
Publication: Frontiers in Physiology , 2019
Author(s): Erich Müller, Patrick Pröller , Fatima Ferreira-Briza , Lorenz Aglas and Thomas Stöggl
Date: January 28, 2019
Emotional stress, heart rate variability, grounding, and enhanced autonomic tone: clinical applications
Published in:Integrative Medicine , Vol. 10, no. 3
Author(s):Gaétan Chevalier , Stephen T. Sinatra
Date: 6-7/2011